Twas' a good week for me. I am usually not up for doing things when I have to work the next day but I decided to live a little and do some things I would not usually do. First things first, our apartment showed the classic, National Lampoon's Vacation on a big screen by the pool. The weather was perfect and I even needed a blanket because of the breeze. It was a chill night and I managed to stay up past 10 on a work night. Yayyy!
Then, last night we went to Charlie Mars at
Unplugged at the Grove. Last year they had a frozen Jack Daniel's specialty cocktail that was nothing to write home about. This year they changed their specialty drink to a frozen sangria with Southern Comfort. If you like sweet drinks, you would love this!!!! All in all, it was a great week. Have a fabulous weekend and I hope to be back to my cooking ways next week!
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